Page 33 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 33


               20,000 Hz, the frequency of many low transmitters starts at 56,000
               Hz. The main reason for using the FM system is to offset the major
               disadvantage of the AM system—namely, the interference of many
               natural or man-made radio sounds, called “parasites.” Because the
               weak signals of AM radio are quieter than the stronger ones, differ-
               ences in signal level are formed, which are then perceived as noise.

               AM receivers have no facility for cutting out these parasitic sounds.
                   To solve this problem, Edwin H. Armstrong invented a system
               for eliminating noise caused by the power of the waves. Instead of
               changing the transmission signal or the strength of the transmitter,
               he changed the frequency of sound waves per second. Thanks to this
               system, the amplitude of noise (strength of sound waves) could be
               reduced to a minimum. But scientists are still mystified how
               budgerigars manage to use this same system.
                   Of course, no little budgerigar can possibly work out for itself
               from the time it is hatched how to apply a series of principles dis-

               covered by man only after long trials. In the same way, no parrot can
               know that it must produce auxiliary sounds in order to make con-
               sonants distinct or to develop systems in its throat to enable it to do
               so. Also, it’s not possible for such a system to be the end product of
               a series of blind coincidences. All these complex systems we have
               seen are without doubt, the work of God, the
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