Page 42 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 42


                owners that their birds can say, “Hello” when the phone rings or
                “Who is it?” when some one rings the doorbell. What’s more, most
                birds can do this without being taught, since they can make connec-
                tions between events and what is said at the time.
                    For a long time, it was believed that parrots and other talking
                birds simply imitate what they hear, but recent research has shown

                that these creatures have surprising cognitive abilities. Only recent-
                ly have scientists begun to understand the complexity of the bird’s
                communication system. Studies conducted since 1977 by Professor
                Irene Pepperberg on the subject of animal behavior and animal-hu-
                man communications give detailed information about birds’ skills
                in speaking and comprehension. In one of her most important
                works, the study was conducted with four African Grey Parrots. The
                oldest of them, “Alex,” could communicate with the researchers, use
                                     specific words, express his wishes, knew the
                                     concepts of “same” and “different,” could

                                     count and identify objects, colors, shapes and
                                     materials.  13  According to scientists, these
                                     skills were not automatic, but the results of
                                     learning, which in turn is a sign of a high lev-
                                     el of consciousness. 14  Naturally this is the in-
                                               spiration of God. It is ridiculous to
                                               imagine that a small piece of flesh

                                               composed of insentient atoms can

                                               Studies conducted by Professor Irene
                                               Pepperberg, into animal behavior and
                                               communication between animals and hu-
                                               mans, give detailed information about
                                               birds’ speaking and comprehension
                                               skills. Only recently have scientists be-
                                               gun to understand the complexity of their

                                The Miracle of Talking Birds
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