Page 56 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 56
By God’s will, these animals display abilities that far exceed what their
brain capacity would suggest, and show behavior that fills humans with
gan to use these words in their proper context: “How are you?”
“Whatcha doing?” “Where you going?” “Hello,” “Good morning,”
“Good night” and “Such a sleepy little birdie.” He could also com-
prehend and obey Wilson’s requests such as “Get down,” “Please go
into your cage,” and “No!” Whenever his owner called, the bird
would fly straight to her. 23
All this information shows how some birds can, in common
with humans, use general and abstract concepts and remember in-
formation stored in their memory. As with parrots, which have the
appropriate anatomical structures to imitate human sounds, certain
other birds can also talk to us in a meaningful way. No doubt they
urge us to think of them as indicators of the knowledge and wisdom
in God’s creation. It is God Who creates birds with diverse talents
like speech and mimicry. By His will, these creatures exhibit behav-
ioral skills that surpass expectations of their brain capacity to an as-
tonishing degree. This, together with thousands of similar examples
in nature, lets people see God’s power, strengthening the faith of
those who already believe and allowing many who do not know
God as they should to consider the reality of creation.
The Miracle of Talking Birds