Page 67 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 67


               according to age, sex, particular time of year, and geographical lo-
               cation—appropriate for the environment in which they live. For ex-
               ample, birds that live in meadows use “songs of flight.” Similarly,

               ones that live in the dense foliage of rain forests or reed thickets
               have loud voices to compensate for reduced visibility.
                   Knowing which song to sing in which environment, and the
               meaning and purpose of each song, are not something that each in-
               dividual bird can work out for itself. Behavior indicative of such
               wisdom and foresight by creatures with no reason or judgment ex-

               hibits the inspiration of God in living creatures. He creates each
               creature with its necessary characteristics and inspires its rational

                             The songs of hummingbirds and the way they learn them aston-
                             ish researchers. Each song is unique to the individual.
                             Hummingbirds are not born with innate songs; they learn how to
                             sing from their mothers and fathers.

                               The High Level of Consciousness
                                 in Birds that Imitate Sounds
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