Page 78 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 78
Thus, it is unreasonable for them to claim that the three different
bird species have evolved independently. This chain of events can-
not be explained by evolution, and could not possibly be realized co-
incidentally in three different processes in three different living crea-
tures. That is like saying that blind coincidences resulted in success-
ful outcomes—on three different occasions.
Facts that science has proven also show how evolutionists lack
solutions on this subject. Erich Jarvis expressed the situation in
which he found himself, in the light of scientific findings:
… Birds challenge all of us to rethink outmoded concepts of
evolution… Throughout our education, we have this concept of
linear evolution instilled in us. We're told that … vertebrates
evolved from some worm-like creature to fish, amphibians,
reptiles, birds, mammals, and so forth, and that living verte-
brates represent these stages in both body plan and brain intel-
ligence. And once there were mammals, they evolved to pri-
mates, then humans, being last at the top of the hierarchy. But
this concept of lower and higher in the vertebrate lineage is just
completely false. 30
The evolutionary tree on which the evolutionists rely is a
strained series of links between different animal species. This tree,
Research conducted by Erich
Jarvis concluded that the con-
cept of different stages of evolu-
tion is invalid.