Page 13 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 13

lants come in more than 500,000 varieties
                                    and occupy a vitally important place in
                                    human life. This limitless resource,
                                    placed at mankind’s disposal by Allah, is
                                    the source of the fresh air we breathe, the
                     food we consume to survive, and much of the energy we
                     use. Plants are also the self-renewing source of strikingly

                     beautiful sights, delightful scents and stunning colors.
                         Plants are very specialized living things whose pho-
                     tosynthetic ability turns light into food and energy.
                     Mechanisms in the green leaves constantly produce oxy-
                     gen, cleanse the air and ensure ecological equilibrium.
                     Their aesthetic features—such as taste, scent and color
                     which appeal mainly to human beings—reveal the infinite

                     knowledge, artistry, compassion and affection for human
                     beings of Allah, their Creator. To date, only some 10,000
                     species of plants have been studied in detail, along with
                     their unique systems that provide unique benefits. And
                     this research had determined that every plant possesses
                     features of such a kind as to astonish even the informed
                         For those who wish to know Allah, appreciate His at-
                     tributes and draw closer to Him, it will be useful to take a

                     rather closer look at the miracles of creation to be found in
                     plants, and even in a single leaf, and at the plants as a
                     whole, a world so full of marvels. In this way we can find
                     a doorway to stunning truths, ones that you may have im-
                     agined were reserved for scientists alone, offering genuine
                     interest to any attentive individual.
                         With the reason and understanding bestowed on
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