Page 50 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 50
Some plants live with a large part of their trunks under wa-
ter. The fact that their roots extend many meters down might
have made it impossible for these plants to obtain oxygen.
Yet thanks to the special aeration system that Allah created
in these plants, no such problem is encountered. This sys-
tem in plants may be compared to the air-conditioning sys-
tems of a skyscraper, where motors are employed to provide
fresh air throughout the building. The equivalent “motors” in
plants are their leaves: Each plant has been equipped with
microscopic aeration channels that transport clean air from
the leaves to where it’s needed. This system, installed to car-
ry air to sites many meters down, is just one of the proofs of
the perfection of Allah’s creation. Human beings’ duty is to
reflect on this information and turn unreservedly to Allah.