Page 82 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 82
Adnan Oktar
Leaves and the Golden Ratio
When we look at the plants and trees around us, we see that their
branches are covered in large numbers of leaves and in season, flowers.
Looking at them from a distance, we might imagine that these branches
and leaves are arranged haphazardly, at random. The fact is, however,
that where the branches emerge from the stem or trunk, the sequence of
the leaves on those branches and even the symmetric shapes of flowers
are all established beforehand by means of fixed laws and miraculous
measures. Plants have been implementing these laws to the letter ever
since the day they were first created. In other words, no leaf or flower
comes into being by coincidence.
Approximately how many branches a tree will have, where they will
emerge, how many leaves there will be on a branch and the way these will
be arranged are all determined beforehand. In addition, every plant has
its own rules regarding branching and leaf order. Scientists can describe
and classify plants solely in terms of these characteristic sequences. The
extraordinary thing is that a poplar in China, for example, is aware of the
same measures and rules as a willow in England, and implements them
in the same way. Of course, it is not chance that creates these mathemati-
cal calculations unique to each plant, and in the most aesthetic manner. It
is Omniscient Allah Who creates this beauty and this design with flawless
As is revealed in the Qur’an:
He to Whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs.
He does not have a son and He has no partner in the Kingdom. He
created everything and determined it most exactly. (Surat al-
These sequences, which vary according to each variety of plant, may
be circular or spiral. One of the most important consequences of this spe-
cial arrangement is the way that one leaf does not cast shade on any oth-