Page 89 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 89
Harun Yahya
There are more numerical miracles in leaves. The surfaces of leaves
also have designs that can be understood as the result of specific mathe-
matical calculations. The vein from the center of a leaf (or midrib), and the
smaller vessels extending from it to the outer edges of the leaf, and the tis-
sues in between that are nourished by these, all endow the leaf with a dis-
tinctive shape and structure. Although leaves come in countless different
shapes, they still preserve these same precise measurements.
The fact that leaves are arranged and shaped according to specific
mathematical formulae is one of the most convincing proofs that they
have been specially designed. The sensitive measurements and balance
we see in a plant’s molecules and in its DNA also appear in the plant’s ex-
ternal appearance. In addition to providing such vital functions as receiv-
ing maximum benefit from sunlight, these formulae bestow great beauty
on the plant, and present an extraordinary picture when combined with
the colors resulting from combinations of specific arrangements of mole-
cules. This Golden Ratio is an aesthetic rule well known to and used by
artists. Works of art produced in line with it possess an aesthetic appeal.
The plants, flowers and leaves designed in accordance with this rule—in
turn, imitated by human artists—are all examples of Allah’s sublime cre-
ative artistry.
Allah reveals in the Qur’an that He has created all things to a meas-
ure. Some of the relevant verses are:
As for the Earth, We stretched it out and cast firmly embedded
mountains in it and made everything grow in due proportion on it.
(Surat al-Hijr:19)
. . . Allah has appointed a measure for all things. (Surat at-Talaq: 3)
. . . Everything has its measure with Him. (Surat ar-Ra‘d: 8)
. . . Allah takes account of everything. (Surat an-Nisa’: 86)