Page 85 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 85
them, they are Your servants. If you forgive them, You are the
Almighty, the All-Wise." (Surat al-Maa'ida: 116-18)
As is revealed in the verses, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) called on
his people to believe in God alone and live for Him. Monotheism
constitutes the basis of true Christianity, just as it does of Islam.
(The word Father in the extracts from the New Testament in this
chapter has been changed to God, the word Son to prophet –mes-
senger, and the title Lord used to address Prophet Jesus (pbuh) to
Monotheism in the Old Testament
The mistaken belief in the son of God, which emerged 30-40
years after Prophet Jesus (pbuh) had been raised to God's pres-
ence, gradually began to spread. However, this concept could
not be clearly defined for a long time. Some interpreted it as a
metaphorical concept referring to his honored position in God's
sight and continued to believe in His oneness, while others dei-
fied Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and began to consider him the actual
son of God.
As we know, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was a Jew who was sent
to the Children of Israel, who had been monotheists for the last
two centuries. Our Lord sent His revelation to them through a
long series of prophets, beginning with Prophet Abraham
(pbuh), all of whom had warned the Jews to abide scrupulously
by His revelation. They had known the Torah, "a guidance and
light" (Surat al-Ma'ida: 44), ever since the time of Prophet Moses
(pbuh). Prophet Jesus (pbuh) came to confirm the Torah, which
is also accepted by Christians. The Torah and other books of the
Old Testament contained reports concerning his coming.