Page 96 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 96
94 Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not A Son, of God
God possesses infinite power and might
According to trinitarian belief, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was not cre-
ated; rather, he has always existed and has the same powers and abilities
as God. (Surely God is beyond that!) This is a grave error. Those who be-
lieve in the trinity believe that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will save them and
answer their prayers, thanks to which they will be freed from all of their
sins. (The misguided belief in the atonement for sins will be examined in
detail in due course.) This deception, which the Qur'an describes in de-
tail, is not supported by any of the New Testament's passages. On the
contrary, it is rejected.
Trinitarians offer several pieces of "evidence" for this belief fromzz
the New Testament. Heading this list is the miracles performed by
Prophet Jesus (pbuh). However, this is no proof at all of his supposed di-
vinity, for all of the miracles associated with him (e.g., being born with-
out a father, speaking from the cradle, and curing the sick and blind,
which are facts separately set out in the Qur'an) were no more than a
blessing from our Almighty Lord, the ruler of the universe, and the ex-
pression of His will. God also willed Prophets Moses, Solomon,
Abraham, and Zachariah (peace be upon them all), among many other
prophets, and our Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant
him peace) to perform miracles. The proponents of the belief in the trin-
ity, however, point to their own view of these miracles in ascribing al-
leged divinity to Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Yet this claim is in open
contradiction to these and many other statements in the New Testament.
As the New Testament records, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) always
praised God and stated that all power belonged to Him. For example, he
stated that I do exactly what God has commanded me (John 14:31), The words I
say to you are not just my own (John 14:10), and I tell you the truth, the apostle
can do nothing by himself (John 5:19).
Other passages refer to God's infinite might and power: