Page 53 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 53

Adnan Oktar                        51

            this reason, he will avoid any action that displeases Allah
            and which is pronounced in the Qur’an to be wrong. In his
            daily life, he practices the kind of cleanliness that Allah
            describes in the Qur’an as a form of worship. It means tak-
            ing pleasure from being in clean places, using clean things
            and associating with clean people. Of course, unbelievers
            have their own understanding of cleanliness. Some of
            them are known for their meticulous tidiness and cleanli-
            ness, but this does not come from their fear and respect of
            Allah or their desire to win His favor. Therefore, this clean-
            liness is due to what society expects from its members.
            These people miss a great deal by not leading their lives in
            conformity with the understanding of cleanliness revealed
            in the Qur’an, and from their inability to feel the need for it.
            In response to their rejection of faith, Allah has taken this
            pleasure from their spirits and obliged them to live in an
            unpleasing environment.
               Unbelievers are aware of two kinds of cleanliness: the
            visible and the invisible. They place the most importance
            on the first kind, such as physical cleanliness and clean
            clothing. However, outward cleanliness always has an
            unseen side, for unbelievers, when they are alone or think
            that no one else sees them, often behave quite differently
            than they do in public. It is impossible to guess what they
            do when they are alone, for others cannot discern what is
            (and what is not) important to them, because anyone who
            does not fear Allah decides what is right and wrong
            according to his own ideas.
               Many such people look at their physical cleanliness and

                                  Harun Yahya
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