Page 13 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 13


            Allah, and called on them to avoid denial,
            polytheism, and evil in all of its forms. Those
            who rejected his call tried to pressure him and
            those who followed him to give up their mission.
            For that reason, as has happened with many
            prophets and believers throughout history, they set
            traps for the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). One of these was
            how they would kill him.
                 However, with his unique birth and the miracles he
            performed by Allah's grace, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was
            one of Allah's blessed prophets. Allah laid out a specific
            destiny for him, and thus all of the unbelievers' traps came
            to nothing. Allah reveals in the Qur'an that the Prophet Je-
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