Page 65 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 65


                                       HARUN YAHYA

                  ness. He called on his people to believe in Allah, avoid sin
                  and evil, and do good works. He also reminded them of the

                  transitory nature of this world's life and the closeness of
                  death, and called upon them to worship, fear, and respect
                  only Him.
                       At the time of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), the Mediter-
                  ranean region and the surrounding area was ruled by
                  Rome. Roman religion, in common with the surrounding
                  religions, was polytheistic and superstitious. The imaginary
                  deities of Greek mythology also appeared in Roman
                  mythology, but under different names. The Jews living in
                  Palestine were a small minority in the Roman Empire.
                  However, Rome interfered very little in their beliefs and in-
                  ternal affairs. But beginning with the second century B.C.E.,
                  the Jews entered a period of internal fragmentation. With
                  the Torah and Judaic tradition being interpreted in different
                  ways by various groups, several sects emerged and serious
                  disputes began to occur. These disputes gave rise to uncer-
                  tainties and discontent in Jewish society, and the ensuing
                  disorder could not be eliminated. As a result, Judaism

                  moved away from the divine religion that Allah had re-
                  vealed to the Prophet Moses (pbuh) and was corrupted by
                  the addition of some superstitious beliefs and laws.
                       The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was sent to resolve these dif-
                  ferences, by teaching them once again about the divine reli-
                  gion, from whose essence they had departed, and to elimi-
                  nate their superstitions:
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