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les Darwin, Cilt.II, New York:D. Appleton  256. Richard Leakey - Roger Lewin, Göl ‹nsanlar›,
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              238.George Gaylord Simpson, Life Before Man,  Books,1973. s.24-25
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                 Evolution", Columbia University Press, New  san, 1983) s.246
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                 s›m 1980, blm. 4, s. 15         265.
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                 les Darwin, Cilt.I, New York:D. Appleton and  30.
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              251. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Char-  ders College Publishing, 1985, s. 1053
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                 TÜB‹TAK, 2. Bas›m, Ankara, s.23   275. Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time, New
              253. Richard E. Leakey, The Making of Mankind,  York, The Free Press, 1999, s. 116-117
                 Michael Joseph Limited, London 1981, s.43   276. Roger Lewin, Bones of Contention, s. 312.
              254. Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin, Origins,  277. John R. Durant, "The Myth of Human Evolu-
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                 vid, and Maitland, Edy, Lucy, NY: Simon and  s. 425-438
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                 TÜB‹TAK, 2. Bas›m, Ankara, s.24   279. "Lucy-Evrimcilerin ‹nsan Maymun Aras› Tek
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