Page 81 - Miracles of the Qur'an
P. 81

We have discussed some miracles of God's Book, which He sent to
                  mankind as a guide and warning. With these miracles, God has given us many
                  signs that the Qur'an is the Book of Truth, and invited people to reflect upon it.
                  One of the most important subjects God points to in the Qur'an is man's

                  recognition of the flawless signs of creation on the Earth and appreciation of
                  His might through remembering them. Today, however, there are various
                  ideologies which want to make people oblivious of the Fact of Creation and try
                  to divorce them from religion with baseless ideas.
                       The most significant of these is materialism.
                       Darwinism, i.e., the theory of evolution, is the main theory that
                  materialism adopts as a so-called scientific basis for its own ends. This theory,

                  which claims that life originated from inanimate matter by chance, has actually
                  collapsed with the confirmation of the fact that the universe was created by
                       It is God Who created the universe and Who designed it down to its
                  smallest detail. Therefore, it is impossible for the theory of evolution, which
                  holds that living beings are not created by God, but are products of
                  coincidences, to be true.
                       Unsurprisingly, when we look at the theory of evolution, we see that this
                  theory is denounced by scientific findings. The design in life is extremely

                  complex and striking. In the inanimate world, for instance, we can explore how
                  sensitive are the balances which atoms rest upon, and further, in the animate
                  world, we can observe in what complex designs these atoms were brought
                  together, and how extraordinary are the mechanisms and structures such as
                  proteins, enzymes, and cells, which are manufactured with them.
                       This extraordinary design in life invalidated Darwinism at the end of the
                  20th century.

                       We have dealt with this subject in great detail in some of our other studies,
                  and shall continue to do so. However, we think that, considering its
                  importance, it will be helpful to make a short summary here as well.

                  The Evolution Misconception                                                81
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