Page 106 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 106

Exulting in affluence, Thamud led an extravagant life. In the Qur'an,
               Allah says that the prophet Salih was sent to Thamud to warn them. The
               prophet Salih was a person who was well-known among Thamud. His
               people, who did not expect him to proclaim the religion of truth, were sur-
               prised by his calling them to abandon the perversity they were in. A small

               part of the community complied with Salih's summons, but most did not
               accept what he said. In particular, the leaders of the community denied
               Salih and were antagonistic towards him. They tried to injure those who
               believed in Salih and to oppress them. They were enraged against Salih
               because he called them to worship Allah. This rage was not specific to

                Boasting a history
                  of two thousand
                   years, Thamud
                 had established a
                    kingdom with
                  another Arabian
                 people, the Naba-
                 taeans. Today, in
                  the Rum Valley,
                 otherwise called
                  the Petra Valley,
                   in Jordan, it is
                   possible to see
                the best examples
                  of the stone car-
                 ving of these pe-
                  ople. Also in the
                  Qur'an, Thamud
                 are mentioned for
                  their mastery in
                   stone carving.

                104  Past Civilisations
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