Page 26 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 26

In the Qur'an, the last
                                                           remaining authentic revela-
                                                           tion which guides humanity
                                                           to the true path, Allah
                                                           repeatedly reminds us of the
                                                           temporary nature of this
                                                           world, summoning us to clar-
                                                           ity of mind and conscious-
                                                           ness. Indeed, wherever we
                                                           live, we are all vulnerable to
                                                           the devastating effects of
                                                           this world, a self-explanatory
                                                           phenomenon for people who
                                                           observe life and the happen-
                                                           ings around us. This is also
                                                           true of all the attractions
                                                           surrounding us. The pictures
                                                           in this page are each a
                                                           demonstration of this fact.
                                                           Any corner of the world, no
                                                           matter how impressive, will
                                                           be exposed to unavoidable
                                                           deterioration in a few
                                                           decades, sometimes in even
                                                           shorter periods of time than
                                                           one would have ever expect-
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