Page 28 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 28

satan is a separate power; and so they regard his rebellion and
                 disobedience as an example for them to follow. When they in turn
                 rebel against order and virtue, they believe that they are support-
                 ing satan in his own struggle.
                     In fact, satan is a creation of Allah and subordinate to Him.
                 His rebellion against Allah was predetermined in his destiny by
                 Allah. Moreover, satan does believe in Allah and fear Him deep-

                 ly. He knows that the time until the Day of Judgment has been al-
                 lotted to him, and that in the Hereafter he will pay the penalty for
                 his deeds.
                     This is revealed in the Qur’an:
                     They are like satan when he says to a human being,
                     “Disbelieve,” and then when he disbelieves, says, “I wash
                     my hands of you. Truly I fear Allah, the Lord of all the
                     worlds.” (Surat al-Hashr, 16)

                     Satan has obtained no benefit from his disobedience; on the
                 contrary, he has attained eternal loss. He has been exiled from
                 Paradise and drawn into the pangs of Hell. Now his chief goal is
                 to drag as many humans as he can along with him to suffer those
                 same pangs. This is the essence of his struggle—against human
                 beings and human goodness. As we can see in the Qur’an, even
                 while persuading people toward rebellion, error and alienation
                 from Allah, satan remains very well aware of the truth. And when

                 Judgment Day comes, he will abandon his followers. It will then
                 become obvious to them that his promises were all lies.
                     Satan’s plans and the traps he set to mislead those under his
                 spell will then end in huge disappointment for them all. Allah re-
                 veals in the Qur’an:

                      The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism
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