Page 42 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 42

The second group who choose satanism is composed of the
                 ignorant, the uneducated and the troubled who are often the top-
                 ic of newspaper articles and television talk shows. These troubled
                 individuals become satanists to clear a place for themselves in so-
                 ciety, to make friends and satisfy their obsessions, to forget their
                 failures and problems and to draw attention to themselves. These
                 young people become dis-attached and deceived by satan into

                 thinking that in this way they will earn the respect of others.
                     The basic problem with each of these groups is that they are
                 not familiar with Allah’s religion, nor with the moral teachings of
                 the Qur’an. They do not know why the universe is created and
                 their part in it; and so they lead empty lives based on a lie. But
                 Allah has created the world as a test that everyone must go
                 through. Everyone is responsible for leading his or her life in a

                 way of which Allah approves: This is the purpose of human crea-
                     Throughout history, Allah has revealed the purpose of His
                 creation, the proper ways of worship, and the moral behavior that
                 pleases Him by means of true religions. He sent down the Qur’an
                 as a guide for His servants who believe in Him; in this book He
                 reveals that human beings were created in perfection and for a

                     I only created jinn and man to worship Me. (Surat adh-
                     Dhariyat, 56)
                     While human beings live in this world, it is essential that
                 they act with the knowledge that in light of the eternal life, this
                 Earthly life is very short. Every person living in this world will
                 surely die and will give an account to Allah, Who subjects every-

                      The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism
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