Page 103 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 103

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                   101

             In the age we live in, this fact has been proven with clarity by
        the body of evidence put forward by science. For the first time, the
        fact that we don't have direct experience of the original of the uni-
        verse is described in a concrete, clear, and explicit way.
             For this reason, the 21 century will be a turning point when
        people in general will comprehend the Divine realities and be led in
        crowds to Allah, the only Absolute Being. In the 21 century, twisted
        materialistic creeds of the 19 -century will be relegated to the trash-
        heaps of history; Allah's existence and Creation will be grasped;
        facts like spacelessness and timelessness will be better understood.
        Humanity will break free of the centuries-old veils, deceits, and su-
        perstitions enshrouding them.

             Relativity of Time and the Reality of Fate

             Everything related so far demonstrates that we never have di-
        rect contact with the external world, that we only know the version
        of matter as it exists in our minds and that one actually leads one's
        whole life in "spacelessness." Asserting the contrary would be to
        profess a superstitious belief removed from reason and scientific
        truth, for what is set out here are all technical and scientific facts
        even described in middle school textbooks.
             This refutes the primary assumption of the materialist philoso-
        phy underlying evolutionary theory—the assumption that matter is
        absolute and eternal. The materialistic philosophy's second assump-
        tion is that time is also absolute and eternal—a supposition just as
        superstitious as the first.
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