Page 97 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 97
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 95
Does the voice on the phone have an objective correlate or not? We
can confirm that by meeting the person we spoke with. However, this
confirmation is nothing but one again experienced in the mind!
In fact, these writers also experience the same events in their
dreams. For instance, Senel may dream that he speaks on the phone,
then have this conversation confirmed by the person he spoke to. Or
Pekunlu may, in his dream, feel he's facing a serious threat and ad-
vise others to read century-old books by Lenin. But no matter what
they do, these materialists can never deny that they have never had
direct experience of the events they've experienced and the people
they talked to.
Materialists Have Fallen into One of the Biggest
Traps in History
The panicky atmosphere sweeping materialist circles in
Turkey, of which we've mentioned only a few examples here, shows
that materialists face utter defeat. Modern science has proven that
we don't have direct experience of the original of matter, and put
this forward in a clear, straightforward, forceful way. Materialists
see that the material world, in which they blindly believe and on
which they rely and depend, disappears altogether. In the face of
this fact, they can do nothing. Throughout human history, material-
ist thought has always existed. Being assured of themselves and
their philosophy, materialists ignorantly revolted against Allah
Who created them. Unreasonably and unscientifically, they main-
tained that matter is eternal, that none of it could possibly have had
a Creator. (Surely Allah is beyond that) While denying Allah out of
their arrogance, they took refuge in the lie that matter had absolute
existence. So confident were they of this philosophy that they be-
lieved that no arguments could ever disprove it.