Page 106 - Miracles of The Qur'an Vol. 3
P. 106

Miracles of the Qur’an

              earth to "swallow!" and to the sky to "hold back!" summarizes this process
              extremely concisely.  The Arabic word "belea," which appears in the verse
              in the form "ibla’ee," means "swallow up and eliminate, pull back." The ref-
              erence to the earth swallowing up its water notes the formation of subter-
              ranean water sources – this all happens as the water on the surface retreats
              underground again. The Arabic verb "aklaa", which takes the form

              "aqli’ae" in the verse, means "the dispersal of clouds, rain stopping, or
              abandoning a matter or course of action." The description is therefore one
              of the air cooling down as lava stops flowing. Then rain then stops because
              the water vapor level in the air returns to normal - and finally, this vapor
              in the clouds disperses into the air. (Allah knows the truth.)
                  This chain of events, in complete agreement with the scientific facts
              only established in the last century or so, is detailed with brilliant accura-
              cy in the Qur'an. It is just one of the proofs that Islam’s Holy Book—com-
              prising information about many branches of science, such as geography,
              geology and meteorology—is in complete harmony with the science of to-

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