Page 119 - Miracles of The Qur'an Vol. 3
P. 119

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                                        Seventy-six, the number of the related
                                   verse, on the other hand, may indicate seventy-
                                   six years, which is Halley's orbital period. (Allah
                                   knows the truth.) The verse number “76” repre-
                                   sents the Halley comet: Halley becomes visible
                                   from the Earth every 76 years. In short, its orbital
            NA SA ta ra fın dan 8 Mart
                                   period is 76. For this reason, that Halley is men-
            1986’da gö rün tü le nen Hal -
            ley kuy ruk lu yıl dı zı.  tioned for the first time in the Qur'an in the 76 th
                                   verse seems to be a great miracle of Allah.

                            HEMOGLOBIN AND IRON

                At the time the Qur'an was revealed, nobody was aware of the mol-
            ecule hemoglobin. There was no such medical term in existence.
            Hemoglobin transports oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood through-
                           out the human body. In addition, it gives blood its red
                            color. It was only discovered in the 19 century.
                                 Hemoglobin forms thanks to the element iron (Fe)
                              in our bodies and is of vital importance to the perfor-

                                mance of vital functions. The element iron (Fe) pre-
                                   sent in the middle of hemoglobin binds itself to
                                         oxygen and thus carries oxygen in the
                                                 blood. For that reason, the hemo-
                                                 globin molecule can be consid-
                                                ered together with the element
                                                   In verse 25 of Surat al-Fath, the
                                              letters comprising the words Fe
                                             (iron) and hemoglobin miraculously
                                               appear side by side. In addition, the
                                                  letters comprising hemoglobin
                                                    do not appear side by

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