Page 130 - Miracles of The Qur'an Vol. 3
P. 130

The entire universe, the Earth we live on and all living and inani-
              mate entities are made up of various combinations of elements. Although
              the atoms that comprise the elements are all made up of the same parti-
              cles, they possess exceedingly diverse characteristics. What essentially
              makes the elements different from one another is their atomic numbers—
              in short, the number of protons in their nuclei. There is one proton in hy-
              drogen, the lightest element, 2 in helium, the next lightest, 79 in gold, 8 in
              an oxygen atom and 26 in iron. The property that differentiates gold from

              iron, or iron from oxygen is merely the number of protons in their re-
              spective atoms. The air we breathe, the human body, any plant or animal
              or planet in space, living or inanimate, sweet or sour, solid or liquid: ab-
              solutely everything is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons within
              Allah's Sublime Creation. (For details see The Miracle of the Atom [Ta-Ha
              Publishers Ltd])
                  "Hadid"—one of the Surahs in the Qur'an – literally means "iron," one
              of the elements. Other elements and their atomic numbers and masses are
              also indicated in this Surah. (Allah knows the truth.) To put it another
              way, Surat al-Hadid contains information about the atoms which consti-
              tute the very matter that makes up the universe. The provision of this in-
              formation, at a time when the elements and their atomic numbers had not
              been discovered, is yet another spectacular miracle of the Qur'an.

                      (This section is based on Ömer Çelakıl's book "Building Blocks of the Universe in the
                      Holy Qur'an" and contains calculations the accuracy of which has been confirmed.)

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