Page 24 - Miracles of The Qur'an Vol. 3
P. 24
Did We not make the earth a receptacle?
(Surat al-Mursalat, 25)
The Arabic word "kifatan," translated as "receptacle" in the above
verse, means "living things being gathered together and protected in
their dwellings.” It can also mean “a place where living or inanimate
things are gathered together” or “a place on which things are piled or
collected.” "Kifatan" comes from the root word "kafata," which means
"to collect, gather toward one, embrace."
With its gravitational force, the earth pulls human beings and
everything else on it - living or inanimate - toward its center. It is very
likely that the use of a verb meaning "to
pull toward one" refers to this force of
gravity. (Allah knows the truth.)
Thanks to the force of gravity that
pulls animals, plants, human beings and
everything else on Earth toward itself,
people are able to walk on the ground,
objects can remain where they are with-
out flying off into the air, athmosphere
encircles the Earth and rain falls on Earth.
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