Page 49 - Miracles of The Qur'an Vol. 3
P. 49
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
carry water and minerals throughout the plant. This tissue,
known as "xylem," also constitutes a powerful structure that enables the
plant to remain upright. To the right, we can see a slice of dry wood in
cross-section. When dried out, the tube-like channels become hollow, as
shown in the illustration.
Roots Capable of Selecting Minerals from the Soil
Plants draw all the mineral nutrients they need from the soil; this in-
cludes potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Since the
substances are not found separately in the soil, they absorb them as ions
(positively or negatively charged atoms). Of all the many inorganic ions
in dissolved state in the soil, plants absorb only the fourteen they need.
The iron concentration inside plant cells is 1,000 times greater than
that in the soil outside. Under normal condition, an exchange of matter
from a high density region to a lower density one will take place. But ex-
actly the opposite happens in plant roots, and the ions in the soil are eas-
ily able to pass into the root cells. 30
Because of this state of affairs that operates contrary to the pressure
system, the plant uses a high level of energy in the pumping process. In
addition, in the plant roots' taking up ions from the soil, there needs to be
an identification system that attracts on-
ly the wanted ions and repels the un-
wanted ones. This shows that the ion
pumps in the root cells are no ordinary
pumps, but possess the ability to select
between ions. Bearing in mind that the
cell in the plant roots are made up of
atoms devoid of any intelligence or con-
sciousness, we must all surely acknowl-
edge what an extraordinary process ion
selection truly is.