Page 68 - Miracles of The Qur'an Vol. 3
P. 68

Miracles of the Qur’an

                                                                 This photograph tak-
                                                                 en by NASA from
                                                                 space shows the Gulf
                                                                 of Aqaba and the
                                                                 Suez Canal, to the
                                                                 east of the Sinai
                                                                 Peninsula. The Sinai
                                                                 Peninsula, the Dead
                                                                 Sea and the River
                                                                 Jordan constitute the
                                                                 northern part of the
                                                                 Great Rift Valley.

              other. This theory assumed its latest, present-day state with the develop-
              ment of the scientific theory known as plate tectonics. Continents do not
              move away from one another by sliding over the ocean floor, rather the
              ocean floor and the continents drift together over a layer of liquid magma
              under great heat and pressure and known as the “astenosphere” or “up-
              per crust.” Therefore, both the land continents on earth visible from the
              outside and also the crust under the sea are both in motion together. 48
                  Because the plates that bear the continents move in a manner de-
              scribed as contraction and expansion, or stretching, the continents are to-
              day moving away from one another at a rate of approximately three cen-
              timeters per year. The most evident expansion taking place on the sea
              bed is that between Arabia and Africa, where the continents are moving

              away from one another three or four times faster. When the expansion
              takes place on the continent, rather than on the sea bed, the result is con-
              stantly widening valleys such as the Great Rift Valley in the East Africa-
              Arabia regions.
                  The Great Rift Valley is a geographical and geological formation

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