Page 85 - Miracles of The Qur'an Vol. 3
P. 85
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
2) Problems during de-
velopment: Cloned animals that do
survive generally have abnormally
larger organs compared to the origi-
nals. This may lead to respiratory
and circulatory difficulties, un-
healthy kidneys and brains, and an
impaired immune system.
3) Abnormal gene expression
patterns: Although clones have the
same DNA sequences as the originals, the cell nucleus in the clone does
not have the same program as that in a natural embryo. To put it another
way, the DNA cannot activate the right set of genes essential for the de-
velopment of the clone at the right time. For example, cells of all kinds,
nerve, bone, blood or skin for example, all have different programs but
the genetic programs in the cloned embryo do not work as healthily as
those in a natural embryo.
4) Telomeric differences: Chromosomes are shortened as cells divide.
The reason for this is that DNA sequences at both ends of a chromosome,
known as telomeres, are shortened during each DNA replication. As an
animal grows older, the telomeres shorten as part of the natural aging
process . Therefore, the copied life form has shortened chromosomes from
the moment it is born, just as if it were actually older.
Genetic material taken from living cells is used in cloning experi-
ments, but fertilization takes place artificially. The reproduction mecha-
nism created by Allah is thus impaired with these methods, and uniden-
tified diseases, developmental deficiencies and early deaths are encoun-
tered. Fourteen centuries ago, it was of course impossible to know that
scientists would eventually engage in cloning and that they would en-
counter enormous problems despite the millions of dollars they spend on
their projects. Once again, it is demonstrated in this verse that the
Qur’an is a divine scripture.