Page 832 - Yaratılış Atlası 3. Cilt
P. 832

NOTLAR                                                          22- Dr. Recep Doksat, Hipnotizma, Kader Bas›mevi, ‹stan-

                                                                                  bul, 1962, s. 106-108

                                                                                  23- Dr. Recep Doksat, Hipnotizma, s.106-108
                  1- Rita Carter, Mapping The Mind, University of Califor-
                                                                                  24- Dr. Recep Doksat, Hipnotizma, s. 106-108
                  nia Press, London, 1999, s. 107
                                                                                  25- Daniel C. Dennett,  Consciousness Explained, Little,
                  2- R. L. Gregory, Eye and Brain: The Psychology of Seeing,
                                                                                  Brown and Company, NY 1991, s. 26-27
                  Oxford University Press Inc. New York, 1990, s. 9
                                                                                  26- R. L. Gregory, Eye and Brain: The Psychology of Seeing,
                  3- Hoimar von Ditfurth, Dinozorlar›n Sessiz Gecesi 4, Ki-
                                                                                  s. 9
                  tap, Çev: Veysel Atayman, Alan Yay›nc›l›k, s. 256
                                                                                  27- Karl Pribram, David Bohm, Marilyn Ferguson, Fritjof
                  4- M. Ali Yaz, Sait Aksoy, Fizik 3, Sürat Yay›nlar›, ‹stan-
                                                                                  Capra, Holografik Evren I, Çev: Ali Çak›ro¤lu, Kurald›fl›
                  bul, 1997, s. 3
                                                                                  Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul: 1996, s.37
                  5- Daniel C Dennett, Brainchildren, Essays on Designing
                                                                                  28- Bertrand Russell,  Rölativite'nin Alfabesi, Onur yay.
                  Minds, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998, s. 142
                                                                                  1974 s. 160-161
                  6- Daniel C Dennett, Brainchildren, Essays on Designing
                                                                                  29- George Politzer, Felsefenin Bafllang›ç ‹lkeleri, ‹stanbul,
                  Minds, s. 142
                                                                                  Sosyal Yay., 1989, s. 196
                                                                                  30- John Horgan, The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human
                  8- George Politzer, Felsefenin Bafllang›ç ‹lkeleri, Sosyal Ya-
                                                                                  Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation ,
                  y›nlar›, Çev: Enver Aytekin, ‹stanbul: 1976, s.40
                                                                                  New York:Free Press, 1999, s. 258-259
                                                                                  31- John Horgan, The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human
                  10- Michael I. Posner, Marcus E .Raichle, Images of Mind,
                                                                                  Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation ,
                  Scientific American Library, New York 1999, s. 88
                  11- Bertrand Russell, Rölativitenin Alfabesi, Onur Yay›nla-
                                                                                  32-John Horgan, The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human
                  r›, 1974, s.161-162
                                                                                  Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation ,
                  12- Rita Carter, Mapping The Mind, s. 135
                  13- "Treaties Concerning the Principle of Human Know-
                                                                                  33- Hoimar Von Ditfurth, Dinozorlar›n Sessiz Gecesi 3, s.13
                  ledge", 1710, Works of George Berkeley, vol. I, ed. A. Fra-
                                                                                  34- William  A. Dembski,  Converting Matter into Mind,
                  ser, Oxford, 1871, s.35-36
                  14- Orhan Hançerlio¤lu, Düflünce Tarihi, Remzi Kitabevi,
                                                                                  35- William  A. Dembski,  Converting Matter into Mind,
                  ‹stanbul: 1987, s.447
                  15- George Politzer, Felsefenin Bafllang›ç ‹lkeleri, s.38-39-44
                                                                                  36- Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik Dergisi, 7 Temmuz 2001, say›
                  16- Rita Carter, Mapping The Mind, s. 113
                                                                                  746, s. 18; DerSpiegel, 1/2001, Nilgün Özbaflaran Dede
                  17- Fusus-ül Hikem, çev. Nuri Gencosman, ‹stanbul
                                                                                  37- ‹bni Arabi'de Varl›k Düflüncesi, Ferid Kam/ M.Ali Ay-
                  1990, s. 220
                                                                                  ni, s. 37
                  18- Dr. Muhterem Ercan,  Hipnoz ve Hipnoterapi, Seha
                                                                                  38- Materyalist Felsefe Sözlü¤ü, istanbul, Sosyal Yay›nlar,
                  Neflriyat, ‹stanbul 1993, s.32-34; William Kroger, Clinical
                                                                                  4. Bask›, s. 326
                  and Experimental Hypnosis, http://www.lucidexperi-
                                                                                  39- Rennan Pekünlü "Aldatmacan›n Evrimsizli¤i", Bilim
                                                                                  ve Ütopya, Aral›k 1998
                  19- Dr. Tahir Özakkafl, Gerçe¤in Dirilifline Kap› HiPNOZ,
                                                                                  40- Lincoln Barnett,  Evren ve Einstein, Varl›k Yay›nlar›,
                  "Üst Ultrastabilite", Se-da Yay›nlar›, 1. Cilt, 1. Bask›, s.
                                                                                  1980, s. 17-18
                                                                                  41- Tim Folger, "Buradan Sonsuzlu¤a", Discover, Aral›k
                  20- Dr. Tahir Özakkafl, Gerçe¤in Dirilifline Kap› HiPNOZ,
                                                                                  2000, s.54
                  "Üst Ultrastabilite",  s. 267
                                                                                  42- Tim Folger, "Buradan Sonsuzlu¤a", Discover, Aral›k
                  21- Terrence Watts, Abreaction, The psychological phe-
                                                                                  2000, s.54
                  nomena that hypnotherapists either love or hate,
                                                                                  43- François Jacob, Mümkünlerin Oyunu, Kesit Yay›nlar›,

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