Page 109 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 109

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                    breathed His spirit into it. All the characteristics of
                 human consciousness—the senses of sight and hearing,
               thought, feeling and emotion—did not result from the interac-

             tion of unconscious atoms, but are faculties of the spirit that God
             has given to human beings. In the Qur'an, He reminds people of
             the faculties He has given them:
                  Say: "It is He Who brought you into being and gave you hear-
                  ing, sight and hearts. What little thanks you show!" (Surat al-
                  Mulk: 23)

                  Everyone has the spirit given to him by God; and every indi-
             vidual is responsible to our Lord Who has created everything
             from nothing. In the Qur'an, God reveals the creation to those who
             think they have no purpose and tells them that after they die, they
             will rise again:

                  Does man reckon he will be left to go on unchecked? Was he
                  not a drop of ejaculated sperm, then a blood-clot which He cre-
                  ated and shaped, making from it both sexes, male and female?
                  Is He Who does this not able to bring the dead to life? (Surat
                  al-Qiyama: 36-40)

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