Page 190 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 190
Once Upon a Time
There Was Darwinism
The structure of a horse's leg surpasses the inven-
tiveness of engineers trained in the most advanced technol-
ogy; and is now mimicked by the aircraft industry. As Grassé
pointed out, such special structures cannot be explained in terms of
random occurrences. Plainly, the horse's leg has superior characteris-
tics that cannot come into being by coincidence; that is, horses came
into being with all their characteristics by God's superior Creation. In
conclusion, the horse series presented as fact in the 20th-century evo-
lutionist literature has been discredited. Horses show no evidence of
evolution, but their complex anatomy is an important example of the
fact of Creation.
So, Darwinism's myth of horse evolution, like its other myths,
has been discredited.
Hor ses ali ve to day vary wi dely in terms of struc tu re and size. Evo lu ti onists who devised the horse se ri -
es er red in se eking to de pict the fos sils of dif fe rent ex tinct spe ci es in a supposed evo lu ti onary se qu en ce.
A mountain pony raised on the
western Scottish islands
A Shetland pony,
the smallest British
horse breed