Page 45 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 45

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                          As Charles Darwin was developing his the-
                   ory, the question of the origins of life was obfuscated by
                 debates like these. Many people believed that inanimate
               matter could generate bacteria and other germs, if not visible

             creatures like maggots. In 1860, the famous French chemist Louis
             Pasteur disproved the age-old assertions of abiogenesis, though it
             continued to hold its place in the minds of many.
                  Darwin almost never considered how the first cell came into
             being. He never mentions this subject in his book The Origin of
             Species published in 1859. Even after Pasteur's experiments posed a
             major problem for him in this regard, he hardly dealt with the

                                                    Louis Pasteur's
                                                     scientific experi-
                                                      ments demol-
                                                       ished the
                                                        dogma that life
                                                         could be born
                                                         out of inanimate
                                                          matter. Thus the
                                                          very first link in the il-
                                                          lusory evolutionary chain
                                                          that Darwinism pro-
                                                          posed came to a
                                                          dead end.

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