Page 131 - Jannah: The Garden from the Qur'an and Hadith
P. 131
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
Henna [a dye and scent] is the chief scent of the Garden… When
Allah created the Garden He filled it with the scent of sweet basil,
and surrounded the sweet basil with the scent of henna…
(Mukhtasar Tadhkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 342/619)
Basil, mentioned in the hadith, is one of the plants known for its
beautiful scent. However, the scents we know in this world are only a
pale reflection of those in the Garden, and Allah knows best.
All aromas in the Garden have been created as blessings to please
the senses of the believers, and none of the unpleasant odours we of-
ten encounter in this world will be found there. Those foul
odours remind people of the imperfections of this world and
make them long for the Garden. There will be no such im-
perfections in the Garden and every place will be redolent
of the sweet aromas that please the human spirit. In one of
his hadith, the Prophet says the following of the Garden:
… its mortar is of strongly scented musk … (At-