Page 17 - Jannah: The Garden from the Qur'an and Hadith
P. 17
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
Even if a person has no knowledge of this, he can easily understand
it when he thinks of the imperfection of this world and the yearning he
feels within himself for good things. Allah has created many proofs to
show people that the life of this world is not the true life. Starting with
the body itself, one is confronted almost every day with the imperfec-
tions of this world. You may come face to face with sickness, injury or
even death because of the slightest accident. A great part of life must be
spent compensating for the weakness of the body. But in spite of all
these efforts, the body wastes away as the years pass. Beautiful flowers,
like the human body, also fade with time; the most colourful and pleas-
ing roses, tulips and violets wither and die. The tastiest and freshest
looking fruit and vegetables become stale and inedible in a very short
time. The most magnificent houses, and the finest automobiles and oth-
er material possessions grow old, break down and become useless with
These things are just a few of the imperfections that a person has to
deal with in this world and are enough to make a person understand
that this world is not the place he longs for.
In the face of all this imperfection, a person, in his heart of hearts,
wants to live in a world where perfection is never-ending. He longs for
a world where there is no illness, death, war, conflict, evil, anxiety or im-
perfection. With this in mind, he looks for ways to establish a life with-
in the parameters of this world that is happy and carefree. However,
Allah tells us in the Qur’an that this kind of life can only be had in the
Garden. What human beings must do to attain the Garden is very sim-
ple: live in a way that is pleasing to Allah. Then, if Allah wills, they will
find a perfect and endless life happy beyond all that they could desire
or imagine.
Allah says much in the Qur’an about the blessings of the Garden