Page 191 - Jannah: The Garden from the Qur'an and Hadith
P. 191
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
A person takes his own particular pleasure from every degree of
the Garden. But a person in the Garden does not begrudge the plea-
sure enjoyed by a person in a higher degree. In the Qur’an, Allah says
that believers will be “well-pleased” in the Garden (Surat al-Fajr: 28):
“they are pleased with Him” (Surat al-Bayyina: 8) and that they
“know no sorrow” there (Surah Al ‘Imran: 170). Likewise, another ha-
dith describes the abundance of blessings enjoyed by the People of the
Garden in every degree:
The least of the People of the Garden in rank is the one who will
have eighty thousand servants and seventy two wives, and for
whom will be set up a dome of pearls, aquamarine and rubies sim-
ilar in dimensions to the distance between Jabiyah and San’a.
(Sunan Ibn Majah; at-Tirmidhi)
The following hadith speaks about the degrees in the Garden:
The least of the people of the Garden in degree will be the one who
gazes at his gardens, his wives, his servants, his couches stretch-
ing for the distance travelled in a thousand year. The noblest of
them to Allah will be one who gazes on His jamal morning and
evening. (Surat al-Qiyama: 21-22) (At-Tirmidhi)
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi said that a person can hope to attain a
high degree in the Garden only on the basis of his iman:
With the light of faith, a person rises to the highest level in the
Garden, and assumes a value worthy of the Garden. (Death and
Youthfulness, p. 435)
A sincere Muslim must always make effort towards being wor-
thy of the highest rank in Allah’s Presence in the Garden. A person
who has perfected faith and desires above all to be close to Allah is
pleasing to Him.