Page 63 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 63
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
The Religion of the Ignorant stipulates a form of behavior for
every age group. This is not written down or described anywhere,
but people who live in the world are aware of this, and practice it in
all its details. For example, they believe that when they approach 50
or 60, their lifestyles, manner of speech, clothes, tone of voice and
style must all change in accord with Ignorantism.
The main principle of this change is pessimism, founded on
withdrawal from the blessings of this world. People reaching that
age generally start to complain about life. Asked how they are, such
people will give negative replies along the lines of "As well as can be
expected, under the circumstances" or "Trying to recover my
health." They entertain the superstitious belief that they have no
right to take any pleasure from life and from now on, they should
distance themselves from its blessings.
According to the Religion of the Ignorant, the menopause in
women and the andropause in men is a time when behavior needs
to be totally overhauled. A great many people of that age abandon
everything of beauty. They cease taking care of their bodies. They at-
tach little importance to their appearance and pay scant attention to
cleanliness. They begin wearing dark-colored clothes, generally pre-
ferring brown, grey and black—a kind of mourning for their lost
youth. They imagine that there is no need for bright colors like red,
orange, yellow, green or pink. Yet this is a most meaningless rule.
People can use the colors created by Allah and benefit from this
blessing at all ages.
At this age, some people's behavior and style undergo a total
change. Even though they have no physical infirmities, they believe
that they have to be slow-moving and lifeless. Their reactions be-