Page 12 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 12
nearly infinite. But sometimes it is enough to open just one door to lead a
person to the truth. Just one part extracted from nature, for example, a
single plant or a single animal, can bring a truth-seeker closer to an
understanding of the entire universe. For this reason, God states in the
Qur'an that "God is not ashamed to make an example of a gnat or of an
even smaller thing", because "as for those who believe, they know it is the
truth from their Lord." (Surat al-Baqara: 26)
Such tiny creatures as the mosquito, and the spider, are mentioned in
God's verses. In the same way as the gnat is considered unimportant by
people, so is the spider: but "people who reflect" can see the miracle these
verses convey. These tiny animals can each be seen as a key, and can open
the door to seeing the perfection of God's creation. This book, which
describes the surprising and incredible characteristics of the spider,
known by so few people, and which will in describing them also ask
"how?" and "why?" has been written with that end in mind. And for that
reason alone this book is more significant than many books you may have
read up until now. Because to become one of the "people who reflect" is
more essential to man than anything else.
And He has made everything in the heavens and everything on the earth
subservient to you. It is all from Him. There are certainly Signs in that for
people who reflect.(Surat al-Jathiyya: 13)