Page 18 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 18

18                    THE MIRACLE IN THE SPIDER

                    When we ask ourselves how an instinctive pattern of behaviour arose in
                    the first place and became hereditarily fixed we are given no answer.  2
                    Other evolutionists say that all living creatures' behaviour is
                founded not on instinct but on their genetic programming. But in that
                case they have to explain who wrote the programme and installed it
                in living creatures. But evolutionists are unable to do this. Despite
                being the originator of the theory, Charles Darwin admits their
                dilemma in the following words:
                    So wonderful an instinct as that of the hive-bee making its cells will
                    probably have occurred to many readers, as a difficulty sufficient to
                    overthrow my whole theory. 3
                    As the above makes quite clear, a concept such as "instinct" is
                absolutely insufficient to shed light on living creatures' conscious
                behaviour. Of course there is a power that programmes living
                creatures and teaches them what to do. But this is not a result of
                "Mother Nature" as it is called, nor of the living creature itself, which
                will defend its young at the cost of its own life, or which will go back
                to deceive the enemy with various tactics in order to save the life of
                another member of its own group.
                    The power which gives them all these characteristics, which
                creates their intelligent behaviour and purposeful movements,
                belongs to God. God is the only lord of that intelligence which we
                witness in living creatures in countless examples in nature. It is God
                Who inspires living creatures to do what they do.
                    It is impossible to explain the behaviour of any living creature by
                coincidence, or by any other mechanism or interesting concept. No
                such claim can be any more than a deception. All this is revealed in
                one of His verses:

                    Say: 'Have you ever seen your associates whom you appeal to instead
                    of to God? Show me what they have created of the earth; or do they
                    have a partnership in the heavens?' Have We given them a Book
                    whose Clear Signs they follow? No indeed! The wrongdoers promise
                    each other nothing but delusion. (Surah Fatir: 40)
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