Page 78 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 78
of time as the evolutionists claim.
Not one iota of the features which spiders possess can have come
about in stages as claimed by the theory of evolution. From the time of the
very first spider on Earth, all spiders have had to exist in complete form. All
of these facts are evidence that spiders emerged at one time, in other words,
that they were created by God. By means of this miracle of creation in the
spider, God is showing us His limitless power and knowledge.
The Elasticity of Silk Threads
The thread shows different features, depending on what the spider
will use it for. For example, the sticky threads are produced in different
glands from the dragline and are thinner and more elastic. In some
situations they can stretch 500-600 percent.
Spiders have a pump-and-valve system that enables them to make
threads. Glandular ducts thicken the substance they exude into a highly
vicious state: a liquid crystal, in which the molecules are organized in
parallel lines. Strong shearing forces applied to the emergent thread by an
extrusion nozzle cause many of the alpha chains to form a stable, tertiary
structure, called a beta-pleated sheet.
These protein crystals are in turn embedded in a rubberlike matrix
composed of amino acid chains that are not linked into beta-pleated
sheets. Instead these helical strands are tangled up in a state of high
entropy. It is precisely this randomness that lends silk, like rubber,
exceptional elasticity. Stretching the thread pulls the protein strands out
of disarray - which they resist - whereas releasing the thread allows them
to contract back into blissful disorder. 25
The elasticity of the sticky threads makes it possible for flying insects
to be gradually brought to a stop. In this way the danger of the web
breaking is reduced. The sticky substance used is produced in another
group of glands with different functions. This material is so adhesive that
it is impossible for insects which get caught in the web to escape.