Page 312 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 312
In the hadith, Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and
grant him peace) tells us that the Sunnah of all the prophets
and messengers are very similar to one another.
God reveals in the Qur'an that all the prophets have been
descended from the same family line, and have had the
same belief and moral virtues:
This is the argument We gave to Abraham against his peo-
ple. We raise in rank anyone We will. Your Lord is All-Wise,
All-Knowing. We gave him Isaac and Jacob, each of whom
We guided. And before him We had guided Noah. And
among his descendants were David and Solomon, and Job,
Joseph, Moses and Aaron. That is how We recompense the
good-doers. And Zachariah, John, Jesus and Elijah. All of
them were among the righteous. And Ishmael, Isaiah, Jonah
and Lot. All of them We favored over all beings. And some
of their forebears, descendants and brothers; We chose them
and guided them to a straight path. That is Allah's guidance.
He guides by it those of His servants He wills. If they had
associated others with Him, nothing they did would have
been of any use. They are the ones to whom We gave the
Book, Judgment and prophethood. If these people reject it
We have already entrusted it to a people who did not. (Surat
al-An'am, 83-89)
Those are some of the prophets Allah has blessed, from the
descendants of Adam and from those We carried with Noah,
and from the descendants of Abraham and Israel and from
those We guided and chose. When the signs of the All-Mer-
ciful were recited to them they fell on their faces, weeping,
in prostration. (Surah Maryam, 58)