Page 64 - New Research Demolishes Evolution
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NOTES                     and the Origin of Bony Fishes: A Casual Re-  50 Charles E. Oxnard, "the Place of
                                lationship", American Zoologist, Vol 26, No.  Australopithecines in Human Evolution:
      1 Cliff, Conner, "Evolution vs. Creationism:  4, 1980, p. 757.  Grounds for Doubt", Nature, vol.258, p.389
      In Defense of Scientific Thinking", Internati-  25 R. L. Carroll,  Vertebrate Paleontology  51 Richard Leakey, The Making of Mankind,
      onal Socialist Review (Monthly Magazine  and Evolution,  New  York: W. H. Freeman  London: Sphere Books, 1981, p. 62.
      Supplement to the Militant), November  and Co. 1988, p. 4.  52 Erik  Trinkaus, "Hard  Times  Among the
      1980.                     26 Edwin H. Colbert, M. Morales, Evolution  Neanderthals", Natural History, vol 87, De-
      2 H. S. Lipson, "A Physicist's View of Dar-  of the Vertebrates,  New  York: John Wiley  cember 1978, p. 10; R. L. Holloway, "The
      win's Theory",  Evolution Trends in Plants,  and Sons, 1991, p. 99.  Neanderthal Brain: What Was Primitive",
      Vol 2, No. 1, 1988, p. 6.  27 Jean-Jacques Hublin,  The Hamlyn  American Journal of Physical Anthropology
      3 Although Darwin came up with the claim  Encyclopædia of Prehistoric  Animals,  New  Supplement, Vol 12, 1991, p. 94.
      that his theory was totally independent from  York:  The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd.,  53 "Hoyle on Evolution",  Nature,  Vol 294,
      that of Lamarck's, he gradually started to  1984, p. 120.  November 12, 1981, p. 105.
      rely on Lamarck's assertions. Especially the  28 Jacques Millot, "The Coelacanth", Scien-  54 W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisi-
      6th and the last edition of The Origin of Spe-  tific American, Vol 193, December 1955, p.  ted. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Co., 1991, p.
      cies is full of examples of Lamarck's "inheri-  39.  304.
      tance of acquired traits". See Benjamin Far-  29  Bilim ve Teknik Magazine, November  55 Ibid, p. 305.
      rington, What Darwin Really Said, New York:  1998, No: 372, p. 21.  56 J. D. Thomas, Evolution and Faith. Abile-
      Schocken Books, 1966, p. 64.  30 Robert L. Carroll,  Vertebrate Paleonto-  ne, TX, ACU Press, 1988. p. 81-82.
      4 Steven M. Stanley,  Macroevolution: Pat-  logy and Evolution,  New  York: W. H. Fre-  57 Robert Shapiro, Origins: A Sceptics Gu-
      tern and Process, San Francisco: W. H. Fre-  eman and Co., 1988, p. 198.  ide to the Creation of Life on Earth,  New
      eman and Co. 1979, pp. 35, 159.  31 Engin Korur, "Gözlerin ve Kanatlar›n S›r-  York, Summit Books, 1986. p.127.
      5 Colin Patterson, "Cladistics", Interview  r›" (The Mystery of the Eyes and the Wings),  58 Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe,
      with Brian Leek, Peter Franz, March 4,  Bilim ve Teknik, No. 203, October 1984, p.  Evolution from Space, New York, Simon &
      1982, BBC.                25.                       Schuster, 1984, p. 148.
      6 Stephen Jay Gould, "The Return of Hope-  32 Nature, Vol 382, August, 1, 1996, p. 401.  59 Ibid, p. 130.
      ful Monsters", Natural History, Vol 86, July-  33 Carl O. Dunbar, Historical Geology, New  60 Alexander I. Oparin, Origin of Life, (1936)
      August 1977, p. 28.       York: John Wiley and Sons, 1961, p. 310.  NewYork,  Dover  Publications,  1953
      7 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A  34 L. D. Martin, J. D. Stewart, K. N. Whets-  (Reprint), p.196.
      Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard Uni-  tone, The Auk, Vol 98, 1980, p. 86.  61 Klaus Dose, "The Origin of Life: More
      versity Press, 1964, p. 189.   35 Ibid, p. 86; L. D. Martin "Origins of Higher  Questions Than Answers",  Interdisciplinary
      8 Ibid, p. 177.           Groups of  Tetrapods",  Ithaca,  New York:  Science Reviews, vol 13, no. 4, 1988, p. 348
      9 B. G. Ranganathan, Origins?, Pennsylva-  Comstock Publising Association, 1991, pp.  62 Jeffrey Bada, Earth, February 1998, p. 40
      nia: The Banner Of Truth Trust, 1988.  485, 540.    63 Andrew Scott, "Update on Genesis", New
      10 Warren Weaver, "Genetic Effects of Ato-  36 S. Tarsitano, M. K. Hecht, Zoological Jo-  Scientist, vol. 106, May 2nd, 1985, p. 30
      mic Radiation", Science, Vol 123, June 29,  urnal of the Linnaean Society, Vol 69, 1985,  64 Frank B. Salisbury, "Doubts about the
      1956, p. 1159.            p. 178; A. D. Walker, Geological Magazine,  Modern Synthetic  Theory of Evolution",
      11 Gordon R. Taylor, The Great Evolution  Vol 177, 1980, p. 595.  American Biology Teacher, September
      Mystery, New York: Harper & Row, 1983, p.  37 S. J. Gould & N. Eldredge, Paleobiology,  1971, p. 336.
      48.                       Vol 3, 1977, p. 147.      65 Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim (Inheritan-
      12 Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution,  38 Pat Shipman, "Birds Do It... Did Dinosa-  ce and Evolution), Ankara: Meteksan Publis-
      London: River Publishing, 1984, p. 70.  urs?", p. 28.  hing Co., 1984, p. 39.
      13 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A  39 Ibid.  66 Homer Jacobson, "Information, Repro-
      Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard Uni-  40 Roger Lewin, "Bones of Mammals, An-  duction and the Origin of Life",  American
      versity Press, 1964, p. 179.  cestors Fleshed Out", Science, vol 212, Ju-  Scientist, January 1955, p.121.
      14 Ibid, pp. 172, 280.    ne 26, 1981, p. 1492.     67 Reinhard Junker & Siegfried Scherer,
      15 Derek V. Ager, "The Nature of the Fossil  41 George Gaylord Simpson,  Life Before  "Entstehung Gesiche Der Lebewesen", We-
      Record", Proceedings of the British Geologi-  Man, New York: Time-Life Books, 1972, p.  yel, 1986, p. 89.
      cal Association, Vol 87, 1976, p. 133.  42.         68 Michael J. Behe,  Darwin's Black Box,
      16 Mark Czarnecki, "The Revival of the Cre-  42 R. Eric Lombard, "Review of Evolutionary  New York:  Free Press, 1996, pp. 232-233.
      ationist Crusade",  MacLean's,  January 19,  Principles of the Mammalian Middle Ear,  69 Pierre-P Grassé, Evolution of Living Or-
      1981, p. 56.              Gerald Fleischer",  Evolution,  Vol 33, De-  ganisms, New York: Academic Press, 1977,
      17  T. Neville George, "Fossils in Evoluti-  cember 1979, p. 1230.  p. 103.
      onary Perspective",  Science Progress,  Vol  43 David R. Pilbeam, "Rearranging Our Fa-  70 Ibid, p. 107.
      48, January 1960, pp. 1, 3.  mily Tree", Nature, June 1978, p. 40.  71 Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted
      18 David Raup, "Conflicts  Between Darwin  44 Earnest A. Hooton,  Up From The Ape,  World", The New York Review of Books, Ja-
      and Paleontology",  Bulletin, Field Museum  New York: McMillan, 1931, p. 332.  nuary 9, 1997, p. 28.
      of Natural History, Vol 50, January 1979, p.  45 Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Chris-  72 Robert Shapiro, Origins: A Sceptics Gu-
      24.                       tendom, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1980, p.  ide to the Creation of Life on Earth. Summit
      19 Richard Monastersky, "Mysteries of the  59.      Books, New York: 1986, p. 207.
      Orient", Discover, April 1993, p. 40.  46 Stephen Jay Gould, "Smith Woodward's  73 Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim (Inheritan-
      20 Richard Dawkins,  The Blind Watchma-  Folly", New Scientist,  February 5, 1979, p.  ce and Evolution), Ankara: Meteksan Publis-
      ker, London: W. W. Norton 1986, p. 229.  44.        hing Co., 1984, p. 61.
      21 Douglas J. Futuyma,  Science on Trial,  47 Kenneth Oakley, William Le Gros Clark &  74 Ibid, p. 61.
      New York: Pantheon Books, 1983, p. 197.  J. S, "Piltdown", Meydan Larousse, Vol 10,  75 Chandra Wickramasinghe, Interview in
      22 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A  p. 133.   London Daily Express, August 14, 1981.
      Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard Uni-  48 Stephen Jay Gould, "Smith Woodward's  76 Imam Rabbani Hz. Mektuplar› (Letters of
      versity Press, 1964, p. 302.  Folly", New Scientist,  April 5, 1979, p. 44.  Rabbani), Vol.II, 357. Letter, p.163
      23 Stefan Bengston, Nature, Vol. 345, 1990,  49 W. K. Gregory, "Hesperopithecus Appa-  77 Imam Rabbani Hz. Mektuplar› (Letters of
      p. 765.                   rently Not An Ape Nor A Man", Science, Vol  Rabbani), Vol.II, 470. Letter, p.1432
      24 Gerald  T.  Todd, "Evolution of the Lung  66, December 1927, p. 579.
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66