Page 7 - New Research Demolishes Evolution
P. 7

The Desperate Efforts of Neo-Darwinism

             Darwin's theory entered into a deep crisis because of the laws of genetics discovered
          in the first quarter of the 20th century. Nevertheless, a group of scientists who were deter-
          mined to remain loyal to Darwin endeavoured to come up with solutions.
             This cadre focused on the question of the origin of the advantageous variations that
          supposedly caused living organisms to evolve–an issue that Darwin himself was unable
          to explain but simply tried to side-step by depending on Lamarck. The idea was now
          "random mutations". They named this new theory "The Modern Synthetic Evolution
          Theory", which was formulated by adding the concept of mutation to Darwin's natural
          selection thesis. In a short time, this theory came to be known as "neo-Darwinism" and
          those who put forward the theory were called "neo-Darwinists".
             The following decades were to become an era of desperate attempts to prove neo-
          Darwinism. It was already known that mutations–or "accidents"-that took place in the
          genes of living organisms were always harmful. Neo-Darwinists tried to establish a case
          for "advantageous mutation" by carrying out thousands of mutation experiments. All
          their attempts ended in complete failure.
             They also tried to prove that the first living organisms could have originated by
          chance under primitive terrestrial conditions that the theory posited but the same failure
          attended these experiments too. Every experiment that sought to prove that life could be
          generated by chance failed. Probability calculations prove that not even a single protein,
          the building-blocks of life, could have originated by chance. And the cell-which suppos-
                          edly emerged by chance under primitive and uncontrolled terres-
                             trial conditions according to the evolutionists-could not be syn-
                              thesised by even the most sophisticated laboratories of the
                               20th century.
                                  Neo-Darwinist theory is also defeated by  the fossil
                                record. No "transitional forms", which were supposed to
                                show the gradual evolution of living organisms from prim-
                                itive to advanced species as the neo-Darwinist theory
                                claimed, have ever been found anywhere in the world. At
                                 the same time, comparative anatomy revealed that species
                                 that were supposed to have evolved from one another had
                                 in fact very different anatomical features and that they
                                could never have been ancestors or descendants of each
                                 But neo-Darwinism was never a scientific theory anyway,

                 HARUN YAHYA
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