Page 130 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 130

nose travel to the brain as electro-chemical nerve impulses.
             In biology, physiology, and biochemistry books, you can
             find many details about how this image forms in the brain.
             However, you will never come across the most important
             fact: Who perceives these electro-chemical nerve impulses as
             images, sounds, odors, and sensory events in the brain?
             There is a consciousness in the brain that perceives all this
             without feeling any need for an eye, an ear, and a nose. To
             whom does this consciousness belong? Of course it does not
             belong to the nerves, the fat layer, and neurons comprising
             the brain. This is why Darwinist-materialists, who believe
             that everything is comprised of matter, cannot answer these
                 For this consciousness is the spirit created by Allah,
             which needs neither the eye to watch the images nor the ear
             to hear the sounds. Furthermore, it does not need the brain
             to think.
                 Everyone who reads this explicit and scientific fact
             should ponder on Almighty Allah, and fear and seek refuge
             in Him, for He squeezes the entire universe in a pitch-dark
             place of a few cubic centimeters in a three-dimensional, col-
             ored, shadowy, and luminous form.

                 A Materialist Faith

                 The information we have presented so far shows us that
             the theory of evolution is incompatible with scientific
             findings. The theory's claim regarding the origin of life is in-
             consistent with science, the evolutionary mechanisms it pro-
             poses have no evolutionary power, and fossils demonstrate
             that the required intermediate forms have never existed.
             So, it certainly follows that the theory of evolution should be

                                QUICK GRASP OF FAITH – 2 –
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