Page 16 - The Basic Concepts in the Qur’an
P. 16
Factors of Fitnah
In the Qur’an, Allah, the Creator of man, informs us in detail how a man should lead his
life. If the individual follows his own desires in this world, it is more likely that he will hold his
desires and his own expectations above the good pleasure of Allah. In such a spirit, he will
display a heedless attitude towards pleasing Allah and the benefits of Islam. In such a case, one
can expect him not to be cautious in observing the limits set by Allah.
Allah repeatedly reminds man that this world is a temporary place in which to reside and a
setting for trial. Knowing this, people can still see it as an eternal place to stay and turn their
faces away from the afterlife.
Anyone refusing to embrace the Qur’an as a guide is bound to have ambitions for this life.
He is therefore prone to suffer great distress about everything related to daily life. Possessions
and children are also referred to as fitnah in the verse below:
Your riches and your children may be but a trial: but in the presence of Allah is the
highest reward.
(At-Taghabun, 15)
The use of the word ‘trial’ here is indeed striking. Pretending not to understand the main
task of man in this life, people are generally carried away by certain false aims and embrace
them as “a law of this world”. Due to the indoctrination of an ignorant society, people believe
marriage, having children and possessions to be the immutable law of worldly life. The majority
of people evince a strong interest in getting married, having possessions and children while
they remain rather indifferent to complying with the commandments of Allah and observing His
The criterion that creates the need to have children is also provided in the Qur’an.
Accordingly, such an intention is acted upon not simply out of custom, but only when it is in
compliance with the pleasure of Allah The prayer of Prophet Imran is given as example for this
Behold! A woman of ‘Imran said: “O my Lord! I dedicate to you what is in my womb
for your special service: So accept this of me: for you hear and know all things.”
(Al-Imran, 35)
The Qur’an relates similar prayers of the prophets and leads the beleivers to the true way:
There Zakariya prayed to his Lord, saying: “O my Lord! Grant to me from You
progeny that is pure: for You are the one Who hears all prayers!
(Al-Imran, 38)
Abraham’s prayer is as follows:
“Our Lord! make of us Muslims, bowing to your will, and of our progeny a Muslim
people bowing to your will; and show us our place for the celebration of due rites;
and turn to us in mercy; for you are the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.
(Al-Baqara, 128)
Possessions, too, would enable the individual to attain the mercy of Allah and an eternal
salvation, provided that they were used in the cause of Allah. Otherwise, they would be fitnah.
The attitude of the Prophet Solomon towards possessions sets an example for all believers.
Rather than avoiding possessions, believers regard possessions as a way to remember the word
of Allah.The conduct of Sulayman is recounted as follows in the Quran :