Page 22 - The Basic Concepts in the Qur’an
P. 22
Those who Take Vain
Desires and Passions as god
In the previous section, we analyzed the two aspects of the soul: the one inspiring evil, and
wicked deeds, and the other guarding against every inculcation of evil. In the Qur’an the word
“hewa” is used to express the evil side of the soul. Hewa is defined as “desire, passion, sexual
desire, lust, and all negative internal factors spoiling man”.
The unique guidance for unbelievers is this negative and evil side of the soul, namely the
hewa. Satisfying vain desires and passions becomes a way of living for them. Consequently, all
their mental faculties and efforts are focused on the gratification of whims. In such a state of
mind, it becomes almost impossible for an unbeliever to comprehend the teachings of religion.
The Qur’an recounts this fact:
And among them are men who listen to you, but in the end, when they leave you,
they say to those who have received knowledge, “What is it he said just then?” Such
are men whose hearts Allah has sealed, and who follow their own lusts.
(Muhammad, 16)
One who surrenders himself to the evil side of his soul turns to his soul whenever he needs
to arrive at a judgment. In this sense, whims and desires become the basis upon which to judge
between right and wrong. This is also a clear manifestation that a person worships his own soul,
or to put it another way, his ego. In the Quran this state is called “taking one’s own vain desire
as one’s god” in the following verse:
Then do you see such a person as takes as his god his own vain desire?Allah has,
knowing (him as such), left him astray, and sealed his hearing and hs heart and
understanding and put a veil over his eyes.Who, then, will guide him after Allah has
withdrawn His guidance? Will you not then receive admonition?
In the Qur’an, one who is guided by his passions and desires, and is thus lacking in a
sound mind capable of thinking, is characterized as “deaf and blind.” Believers, on the other
hand are endowed with a sound mind, with which they can judge between right and wrong,
and an insight with which they have a full grasp of all happenings around them. In the
following verses people and societies devoid of understanding due to their following their own
lusts as mentioned:
Say: “O people of the Book! Exceed not in your religion the bounds (of what is
proper), trespassing beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of people who went
wrong in times gone by, who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the straight
(Al-Maeda, 77)
Say: “I am forbidden to worship those - others than Allah - whom you call upon.” Say:
“I will not follow your vain desires: If I did, I would stray from the path, and would
not be of the company of those who receive guidance.”
(Al-Anaam, 56)
Why should you not eat meat on which Allah’s name has been pronounced, when He
explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you - except under compulsion of
necessity? But many people are misled by their appetites through ignorance. Your
Lord knows best those who transgress.
(Al-Anaam, 119)