Page 12 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 12

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                        How should the struggle against terrorism be pursued?
                   To answer that question, we need to identify terrorism's roots.
                   To do so, we must examine the course of the past century,
                   during which terrorism first emerged as a major threat.

                        The 20th century's two World Wars, along with many
                   regional conflicts and various acts of local violence, made it
                   the most bloody century ever. In addition, toward the end of
                   the millennium, constant technological advances only helped
                   terrorists broaden their reach. Now, just one touch of a button
                   could kill hundreds of innocents. High-tech terrorism could
                   inflict billions of dollars in damage on any nation's economy

                   and shape world politics without ever emerging into the
                   daylight. Clearly, after the attacks on New York and
                   Washington D.C. in the United States—the world's greatest

                         September 11 resulted in the deaths of thousands of people,
                         and in injuries to many more.

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