Page 183 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 183

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                nineteenth century all
                over the world,  no
                transitional   forms
                have yet been uncov-
                ered. All of the fossils,
                contrary to the evolution-
                ists' expectations, show
                that  life appeared on
                Earth all of a sudden and
                fully-formed.                     FALSE
                     One famous British
                paleontologist, Derek V.
                Ager, admits this fact,
                even though he is an evo-
                     The point emerges that
                     if we examine the fos-
                     sil record in detail,
                     whether at the level of
                     orders or of species,
                     we find – over and
                     over again – not grad-
                     ual evolution, but the
                                             Evo lu tion ist news pa pers and mag a -
                     sudden explosion of
                                            zines often print pic tures of prim i tive
                     one group at the ex-     man. The only avail a ble source for
                     pense of another. 75     these pic tures is the imag i na tion of
                                               the art ist. Evo lu tion a ry the o ry has
                     This means that in
                                            been so dent ed by sci en tif ic data that
                the fossil record, all liv-
                                            today we see less and less of it in the
                ing species suddenly                            seri ous press.
                emerge as fully formed,
                without any intermediate

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