Page 63 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 63

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                     History offers many examples of the faithful behaving
                with complete justice towards other peoples, helping Islam
                grow with incredible speed over a wide area, taking in North

                Africa, the whole Middle East and even the Iberian Peninsula.
                By means of these conquests, the civility and compassion of
                Islamic morality was spread to many races, nations,
                communities and individuals, bringing together millions in a
                bond of mutual understanding, the likes of which had never

                been seen before. The renowned researcher Joel Augustus
                Rogers has examined the various races and the relationship
                between the black race and other countries. In his book Sex
                and Race, he describes Islam's influence on the world in these

                     One reason why Islam was able to survive so brightly for
                     centuries is the almost complete absence in this religion of
                     value-judgements based on race and class, the disregarding
                     of the colour of an individual's skin or his social class and
                     the fact that promotion to the highest levels of a community
                     is based on ability alone… Islam established the greatest
                     and at the same time the freest racial melting-pot in history,

                     and the mixing of these races took place within the body of
                     the most extensive empire the world has ever seen. At the
                     height of its power the Islamic Empire stretched from Spain
                     and central France in the West to India, China and the
                     Pacific Ocean in the East, including Central Asia. The rulers
                     of these extensive territories were of various colours. The
                     colour of peoples' skins was even less important for

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