Page 118 - Islam and Karma
P. 118


                                           N NOTES
                1- Editor’s note: Nevertheless, Allah tells us: "Do not curse those they call upon be-
             sides Allah, in case that makes them curse Allah in animosity, without knowledge.”
             (Surat al-An’am: 109) So even if people have terrible superstitions, it behoves us to
             speak courteously so that they do not becomes enemies of Islam because of our be-
             haviour. This is the guidance of the Qur’an.
                2- Prof. Dr. Gunay Tumer, Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Kucuk, Dinler Tarihi (The
             History of Religions), Ocak Publishing, Ankara 1993, pp. 91-92
                3- Buyuk Dinler ve Mezhepler Ansiklopedisi (Big Religions and Sects Encyclopedia),
             1964, Istanbul, p. 52
                4- Dr. Ali Ihsan Yitik, Hint Kokenli Dinlerde Karma Inanc›n›n Tenasuh Inanc›yla Iliskisi
             (The Relation of the Idea of Karma in Indian Religions with the Idea of Reincarnation) , pp.
                5- Editor’s note: This is only true, however, as we mention, for those of the believ-
             ers whom Allah punishes for major wrong actions short of associating partners with
             Allah by admitting them to the Fire. The disbelievers who reject Allah and His signs
             and His Messengers will stay in the Fire forever as a result of their actions.
                6- Editor’s note: This verse was revealed about the Jews claiming that the Fire
             would only touch them for a number of days, but this was false in their case because
             the wrong action for which they thought they would be forgiven was their rejection of
             Allah’s signs and His Messengers including their murdering some of the Messengers
             and Prophets, and finally their rejection of ‘Isa, peace be upon him, and Muhammad,
             may Allah bless him and grant him peace. For such open disbelief there is no emerg-
             ing from the Fire, unless the person turns to Allah in tawbah before his death. As for
             believers who do major wrong actions, Allah will either forgive them totally or He
             may punish them for a period of time in the Fire and then bring them out of the Fire
             to the Garden by His mercy and by the intercession of His Messenger, may Allah bless
             him and grant him peace, and the intercession of the right-acting among the Muslims.
                7- Prof. Dr. Gunay Tumer, Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Kucuk, Dinler Tarihi (The
             History of Religions), Ocak Publishing, Ankara 1993, p. 163
                9-, Taken from Big Bang Refined by Fire
             by Dr. Hugh Ross, 1998. Reasons To Believe, Pasadena, CA.
                10-, Henning Genz – Nothingness: The
             Science of Empty Space, p. 205
                11- Anthes, Richard A., John J. Cahir, Alistair B. Fraser, and Hans A. Panofsky, 1981,

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